About CI
Accreditations and Memberships
International Academic Standards
Accreditations, memberships, certifications, and partnerships increase a school’s value. Accreditation through a reputable organization holds a school accountable for the quality of its program and also ensures that other institutions will accept its grades and credits. Certifications and memberships also enhance the value of a school through the services it provides.
These accreditations and recognitions guarantee that your children are attending a student-oriented school that:
- Is part of a growing network of worldwide institutions which provide an education of proven quality in an international context
- Is student-oriented
- Is devoted to its philosophy (vision, mission, and institutional values)
- Maintains the CI Fundamentals of education suitable for enrolled students, and encompasses the development of the whole individual
- Keeps its promises and promises only what it can deliver
- Is constantly seeking to improve its performance in curricular and other areas
- Cares enough about what it does to seek validation by a recognized accreditation authority
- Is prepared to open its doors periodically to regular evaluation by the school community and by the outside experienced evaluators
- Plans for the future