About CI
CI Philosophy
Our Philosophy inspires us to bring excellence into our classrooms every day. In striving to form students of distinction, we become extraordinary teachers in the process of mutual growth and support.
For our students to lead rewarding personal, academic, and professional lives as responsible citizens of the world.
To ENGAGE, CHALLENGE, and SUPPORT our students, fostering equilibrium in their lives as they develop in a safe and secure environment.
Institutional Values

Be aware that everyone and everything has intrinsic value. Recognize different points of view. Consider the common good.

Comply with what is expected of me adequately and in a timely manner. Contribute to the community and the world. Make my best effort and persevere to achieve excellence.

Act truthfully. Be congruent in what I think, say, and do. Be fair, loyal, trustworthy, and honest according to principles of personal, local, and global importance.

Be considerate and empathetic of people, animals, and nature.

Global Citizenship
Recognize our interconnectedness with people, societies, and global environments. Become involved and contribute to the community, country, and the world in pursuit of the common good.